Tuesday 24 August 2010

Brand Aura launches affordable Social Media Analysis

If you want social media analysis carried out similar to the election trends analysis, whether political or another topic. Please view our affordable prices for Twitter and Social Media packages on http://www.brand-aura.com/products.html

Please get in touch with jayne@brand-aura.com if you'd like further details.

Brand-Aura launches http://www.brand-aura.com// and is featured in leading Web Magazine Semantic Web

Emiore digital data analysis business service and website: http://www.emiore.co.uk/

Follow election trends on twitter http://twitter.com/electiontrends

More about Election Trends http://electiontrends.blogspot.com/2010/04/election-trends-launches.html

Discover more about Blueflow Technology http://www.blue-flow.com/