Sunday, 13 June 2010

BP 210,000 tweets analysed, emerging contextual trends over a week

Election Trends delivered by Emiore. Powered by Blueflow technology.

Contextual trend analysis of BP

We have analysed twitter responses about BP in context over a week period, 06.06.10 to 12.06.10. We shall carry out further contextual trend analysis on this topic over the coming days.

Source: 210,000 twitter comments.

BP & Obama

In twitter comments mentioning BP, Obama was mentioned most regularly in the following context:

06.06.10 – spoken, hasn’t, directly, captured, being.
– spoken, hasn’t, president, doesn’t, administration, boot, neck, American.
08.06.10 – lashes, media, chief, afp, barack, fire, crisis.
09.06.10 – downplays, number, attack, enemy, public, osama, guardian, fears.
10.06.10 Day 3 – chairman, week, meet, invites, administration, update, Washington, allen.
11.06.10 – Britain, bullying, stop, demonising, says, cantor, eric, news.
12.06.10 – promise, ready, president, suspend, executives, retain, cash, mee (Massey Energy Co.)

The individual words build a story of Obama's reaction to the BP disaster.

BP & Cost

In twitter comments mentioning BP, cost was mentioned most regularly in the following tweet context:

07.06.10 – billion, far, captures, reach, cleanup, same, current.
08.06.10 – florida, report, 195, jobs, real, flow, billions.
09.06.10 – pressure, political, default, company, soar, swaps, back, then.
10.06.10 – jobs, billion, 195, dollars, workers, fla, dollars, workers, 189.
11.06.10 - cost, real, estate, billion, coud, values, property, homeowners, clean.
12.06.10 - began, shares, almost, value, halved, people, mcartney, derek.

Over time, different costs emerge giving a wider picture of the far reaching negative effects of the BP disaster.

BP & Ocean

In twitter comments mentioning BP, ocean was mentioned most regularly in tweets containing these words:

06.06.10 – wants, fake, twitter, mocking, shut, ruining, account, nice.
07.06.10 – new, black, tumblr, blue, usual, replacing, fire, rig.
08.06.10 – shut, account, ruining, response, thats, company, ryanvaughan, acct.
09.06.10 – wants, fake, mocking, account, shut, ruining, company, want.
10.06.10 – million, campaign, spending, cleaning, agree, boycotting, too, aral.
11.06.10 – let,destroy, products, list, cannot, global, break, repercussions.
12.06.10 – let, destroy, list, won, products, destroying, cannot, break.

It appears in a backlash to BPs damage to the Ocean, there is an ongoing attempt to ruin BPs image with a infamous fake BP twitter account and list of products to boycott.

BP in context

The most common words surrounding BP continually over the week period are: spill, oil, news, Mexico, leak, gulf, disaster. The other top words surrounding BP in tweets are:

06.06.10 – well, broken, captures, cap, containment, capturing, far, working, increasing, Won, chief, quit, florida, protest, dozens, reuters, news, yahoo.

07.06.10 – news, google, buys, search, words, real, keep, people, yahoo, coast, clean, guard, take, years, drilling, May, impacting, 120.

08.06.10 – google, buys, top, result, has, sponsored, links, purchased, appear, mashable, search, yahoo, terms, words, news, people, real, keep, engine, phrases, folks.

09.06.10 – leak, plans, clean, stop, hours, solid, contingency, complete, mexico, are, govt, doing, truth, leaders, speaks, citizen, spill—the, sharing, music, owes, damaging.

10.06.10 – Costner, day, water, million, Kevin, machines, gallons, sells, recycle, patent, technology, ignored, been, abt, remarks, making, snarky, barrels, new, gulf.

11.06.10 – are, doing, govt, leaders, truth, speaks, citizen, spill—the, could, video, cats, Nsfw, /via, kim, deals, coffee, know, needs, plug.

12.06.10 – obama, barack, nick, clegg, doing, are, truth, speaks, govt, citizen, spill—the, leaders, failures, fighting, can, gusher, made, worse, woes.

The above words show that new stories and trends in context with BP are emerging daily.

If you'd like more detail on the BP topic, or another topic analysed in context please let us know.
The Twitter search application can only go far back as approximately two weeks and due to the twitter API it may not contain all tweets made on this subject.

We can analyse blogs, forums, and twitter comments seperately or combine all comments to demonstrate a wider picture on a topic across all these digital sources.

Please get in touch with if you'd like further details.

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Tuesday, 1 June 2010

BP 44000+ twitter posts analysed

Election Trends delivered by Emiore. Powered by Blueflow technology.

Contextual analysis of BP

We have contexutally analysed twitter responses about BP over a week period.

Source: 44,385 twitter comments 35,627 of them being unique tweets (not retweets).

Please click on the data cloud to view fully. The words closest to the centre are those repeated the most in context to the BP topic.

BP Topic - 'Oil' context cloud

BP's oil is discussed in context with strongly negative words such as 'ruining, kill, failure', relating to the devastating impact on the sea environment and the failure of attempts to curtail the damage. Other key word close in context are 'shares' and 'Obama' which are analysed in their own context of twitter discussions below.

BP Topic - 'Shares' context cloud

There are many negative tweets about BPs share price, including words 'decline' and 'suffered'. The environment is damaged, and it appears BPs public image and share price is following suit.

BP Topic - 'Obama' context cloud
Obama has been mentioned in close context to BP, and related words include: 'distancing' as Obama perhaps tries to distance his connection to this negative event. There is 'response' and 'remarks', as the public looks to Obama to help push a solution when he 'meets' BP.

Top 20 BP related retweets

Retweets number count and details

267 RT @ebertchicago: CEO of BP: "I want my life back." Millions of Gulf life forms: "Hey, Tony, we can identify with that!"
232 RT @bonniegillespie: BP wants Twitter to shut down a fake account mocking the oil company. Twitter wants BP to shut down the oil leak that s ruining the ocean.
153 Citizen Speaks The Truth ON BP Gulf Oil Spill the Govt, BP Are Doing Nothing, There Are No Leaders Here Gulf Oil Spill
111 RT @raincitypastor: BP wants Twitter to shut down a fake BP account mocking the oil company. Twitter wants BP to shut down the oil leak that's ruining the ocean
97 RT @BreakingNews: BP says cost of responding to Gulf oil spill is now just under $1 billion
87 RT @thepeak: BP wants Twitter to shut down a fake account mocking the oil company. Twitter wants BP to shut down the oil leak that s ruining the ocean.
86 RT @BreakingNews: BP's shares plunge, knocking off $17 billion of market value as investors panic over failed bid to stop Gulf leak
86 RT @CNNMoney: BP shares plummet around the world
83 Oil Spill Firefox Plugin Blacks Out BP Across the Web: Creative agency Jess3 has developed a Firefox plugin that ...
76 RT @RichardMetzger: BP kills Aquaman
75 RT @whitehouse: Obama speaks on BP Oil Spill after meeting with Commission Co chairs, starting momentarily
72 RT @mashable: Oil Spill Firefox Plugin Blacks Out BP Across the Web 65 RT @peoplesrev: And one more thing Fuck BP British Petro for their ugly Mess boycott their gas stations those birds covered in oil MESS
62 RT @Alyssa Milano: Obama meets with BP Oil Spill Commission Co Chairs, to give remarks afterwards at 12:15 (via @whitehouse)
59 RT @BPGlobalPR: Due to public outcry, our "Spill Or Be Spilled" flash game will be taken off our BP Kidz Klub website. "Smack the Greasy Manatee" stays.
54 Citizens of the Earth, Stand Up to #BP, Let's Break BP and Help Heal Earth by Boycotting all BP Products. Oil Spill
54 RT @pourmecoffee: Sad. BP Spillcam is going to be on TV longer than Conan hosted Tonight Show.
53 #BOYCOTT #BP here's the BP product list Oil Spill
50 RT @BreakingNews: Coast Guard says it could take as many as 3 days before oil can be siphoned to surface in BP's latest attempt to contain Gulf leak
50 #Gulf #Oil #Spill, Citizens of the Earth: Boycott BP! Here's a list of products you need to stop buying Oil Spill
50 RT @whitehouse: On tap: Obama meets with BP Oil Spill Commission Co Chairs, give remarks afterwards at 12:15

In the top 10 there are
a few sources that have been retweeted 430 times on the Twitter V BP shut down, creating more publicity of this fake site. Other satirical retweets are popular in spreading the message about this serious subject. Popular retweets also include those about the share price, and Obama's reaction.

If you'd like more detail on the BP topic, or another topic analysed in context please let us know. The Twitter search application can only go far back as approximately two weeks and due to the twitter API it may not contain all tweets made on this subject.

We can analyse blogs, forums, and twitter comments seperately or combine all comments to demonstrate a wider picture on a topic across all these digital sources.

Please get in touch with if you'd like further details.

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David Law resignation over 11700 tweets analysed

Election Trends delivered by Emiore. Powered by Blueflow technology.

We have analysed twitter responses since the announcement of the David Laws resignation.

Contextual analysis of David Law's resignation

Source: 11,788 twitter comments 8,971 of them being unique tweets (not retweets).
Please click on the data cloud to view fully. The words closest to the centre are those repeated the most in context to Laws.

Top retweets numbers and tweet details

161 RT @iaindale: I'm told David Laws has just resigned.
76 RT @davidschneider: The really sad thing about David Laws is that under the new government he'll no longer be able to stay at a B'n'B
66 RT @davidschneider: David Laws. Why hide who you cohabit with? If you want a loving, consensual relationship with the Tories, that's fine.
66 RT @skynewsbreak: David Laws, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, has resigned with immediate effect after revelations over his expenses.
62 RT @tom watson: Via @epolitix Whatever your view of David Laws, Tony Grew's article is the day's must read:
58 RT @krishgm: Listening to all the pious tributes to David Laws one wonders quite how Britain ever managed without him....
43 RT @LloydieJL: David Laws saved us money and tried to keep a private life. I admire him greatly. #ISupportLaws
42 RT @BreakingNews: British Treasury official David Laws resigns after admitting he used taxpayer money to pay rent to his partner
40 RT @SallyBercow: What is George Osborne gonna do without "I'll let David explain the details" Laws? Hope he's got Economics 4 Dummies....
35 RT @krishgm: the rules seem clear on David Laws just because a partner is secret (gay or straight) doesn't exempt them

If you'd like more detail on David Law's topic, or another topic analysed in context please let us know. The Twitter search application can only go far back as approximately two weeks and due to the twitter API it may not contain all tweets made on this subject.

We can analyse blogs, forums, and twitter comments seperately or combine all comments to demonstrate a wider picture on a topic across all these digital sources.

Please get in touch if you'd like further details.

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